Aquila #1 Review

by Joseph K. | February 10, 2015 8:00 am

Written by: Gordon Rennie
Art by: Leigh Gallagher
Published by: Rebellion


Here we go folks, we have issue I of V of Aquila (the Roman numerals are a nice touch) – a 5 part swords, sorcery, and sandals romp from Gordon Rennie and Leigh Gallagher. Aquila isn’t your typical historical tale, he starts his journey nailed to a cross following the defeat of Spartacus. From this most bleak of beginnings, dying slowly on the cross, things tentatively go from dire to brutally violent. Aquila managed to swap his fate on the cross for servitude to the Devourer of Souls – and in return he wages an unrelenting, blood soaked attack on those the Devourer wants to consume.
This series is written by Gordon Rennie and from the evidence of this first issue, we are in for a delicious romp. The way in which Gordon lays out the back story to his character blends effortlessly into the fury and action that jumps from the page. This is a really fun read, the gory aspects of the violence really add extra quality to an already class story.10995300_833186483404645_352393679910452185_n
Aquila is a compelling character, he may be a brutal, violent, unstoppable killing machine, but then that’s part of the attraction. The fact that he relishes his servitude, that he has a history that’s as interesting as his present, make him a quality badass to root for.

Matching Rennie step for step, is Leigh Gallagher. The art sits very well with the story, at times there is a beauty to the visceral aspects. Leigh’s art flows very easily, the action scenes are varied yet carry a very authentic vibe, and at times even sway into scenes which convey a really epic feel. In the more dialogue driven panels Leigh still manages to engage the reader with entertaining art. Gordon and Leigh are a quality combination.


Marvel Releasing Special “Stomp Out Bullying” Variant Covers in October[4]

While this 5 part story is only a fifth of the way through, I am anticipating great things from the rest of this series. A very high quality first installment, roll on issue 2!

  1. [Image]:
  2. Comic Book:
  3. Geeky News:
  4. Marvel Releasing Special “Stomp Out Bullying” Variant Covers in October:

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