Fairy Tail June Recap

We join Team Fairy Tail again as they face off against four of the strongest Tartaros members. Right off the bat, Tartaros takes the offensive, while Silver teleports to a different location after tackling Gray and Tempesta conjurers up a whirlwind. Each of the Tartaros members seemed matched up 18-19with a Fairy Tail mage; Natsu vs Tempesta, Gray vs Silver, Gajeel vs Torafusa, and Juvia vs Keith. Fairy Tail seems to just be barely holding its own against the demons unfortunately. Pantherlily and Happy join up together as the rest of their guild takes in all the damage of what happened to the town while they were out of commission from absorption. The situation takes a turn for the dire as Wendy, Charle, and Doranbolt realize that there is not just one Face magic pulse bombs but hundreds, maybe thousands, scattered over the horizon!

Neo Minerva and Erza are continuing to fight at this point. Thankfully, they wrap it up. You get to take a sneak peak at Minerva’s childhood while she’s losing to Erza. Of course, it’s a pretty common reason as to why Minerva acts like such a cruel person. She was never good enough for her father and subjected to being shunned as a child. I think this is something a lot of people can relate to and softens the look on the Minerva being not a completely terrible person. As Erza gives Minerva the whole “live for your friends, there are people who care about you” speech, thankfully it’s interrupted 07by the imposing threat of Marde Guille. The Tartaros guild master sets his sights on and attacks Minerva, but his initial attack is deflected by the arrival of the Twin Dragons of Saber-tooth. I’m really happy to see this duo again, because I think their teamwork is something that Fairy Tail’s dragon-slayers lack. It’s nice to see that they both got a change of clothing design for the better in my opinion.

Marde Guille reveals that there is only an hour left until all of the magic pulse bombs activate. My real question is, why is there such a time disparity between the Face Wendy and Charle self destructed and the rest of the bombs? As the discussion continues in the chapter, it is revealed that the dead chairman will be revived and access all of the control points of the Face bombs, and set them off simultaneously. This is all in theory, basically meaning they only have to defeat the necromancer demon of Tartaros, Keith. There’s no real way to relay that message to the Fairy Tail members that are fighting him. Erza, Minerva, and the exceeds go off to try finding the control room 09while Sting and Rogue keep Marde Guille busy.

While all of this is happening, Silver reveals to Gray where all the familiarity between them stems from. While it’s already been theorized that Silver was Gray’s father or relative, I didn’t think the Demon of Tartaros part through. It doesn’t look like Gray will be able to control his rage upon learning the full truth. For a character that is very closed of emotionally to others, Gray doesn’t know how to control his deepest emotions when they do surface.

I’m still wondering what Meredy, Jellal, and the rest of the Oracion Seis is doing at this point in time? I’m sure they come to the aid of Fairy Tail’s battle somehow.