CFG Interviews the narrator of Star Wars books, Marc Thompson. Marc has been a Voice actor for a long time....
Powered by RedCircle In today’s episode of Pop-Culture Gems, I talk geek with rising voice actor Jonah Scott. Jonah...
Powered by RedCircle The CFG talked to a great voice-acting guest in this episode! We talked to voice actor...
Powered by RedCircle I geek out with R Bruce Elliott this week. He has played roles like the bumbling...
Powered by RedCircle It has been a while, but now i am back with a brand-new season of Pop-Culture Gems....
Powered by RedCircle Davies Interviews voice actor Kevin D. Thellwell. Kevin has been voice acting for almost five...
Powered by RedCircle Davies Interviews an up-and-comer in the voice-acting world. Ry McKeand has been voice acting for five...
Powered by RedCircle Davies interviews the voice of Rio Morales in Insomniac’s Marvel Spider-man 2, Jacqueline Piñol. ...
Powered by RedCircle Davies interviews voice actor Marisa Duran. They are mostly known as the voice of Kyoko Hori...
Powered by RedCircle Davies interviews the voice of Cammy in Street Fighter 4-6, Caitlin Glass. Caitlin has been voice...