Art by: Nicholas O’Gorman
Letters: Micah Myers
Published by: Dammaged Comics
The Dammaged Comics team returns to the shuffling dead of The Few #2 for some more high jinks of the flesh-eating kind, and they bring with them a twist. Writer Dave McCluskey is back for the continuing crisis, and the team from the origin story are back with him.
We pick up the story from where issue 1 left off; there’s high drama with familial tension, along with a deeply troubled Father and an army with some seriously itchy trigger fingers. The Few gives each of the various segments their time to shine – the opening section of Father Gregory could easily have formed its own issue – but it sets the vibe for the rest of the issue. It isn’t too long before we are introduced to what the special ingredient is in this zombie story… With zombies the dead come back, but in the Few there are a select band of people who are somehow immune to infection.
The scope of the Few is quite wide – in terms of the assembled characters there are a number of factions. This takes quite a bit of time in terms of giving each their required chance to shine – the pace of the book slows due to this, though McCluskey does ensure that this isn’t too detrimental.
As with the first issue the art is handled by Nicolas O’Gorman and the standards set in the first book are upheld here. The zombies of the Few are a delightful bunch, with a nice variety of injuries and gore. O’Gorman’s realist style suits the grim aspects of rotting flesh and gruesome deaths. Where the story changes gear into dramatic action, this is well managed and lends the requisite gravitas. As the issue progresses we are teased by the author about a mystery that will shape the coming story, a mystery that goes by the name of Brownmoor.
The Few as far the first two issues goes is a tidy story, the scope that McCluskey is aiming for seems ambitious in terms of the variety. With how the story has been handled thus far, it seems the Dammaged Comics team have enough skill to match their ambition.