Remember when Atlus first announced the Storybook edition and there was a big ol’ MYSTERY ART PRINT tag there? WELL GOOD NEWS! In case you totally missed the headline and image above for some reason, the art print will feature Alice and her faithful feline Socrates!
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is the all-encompassing HD remake of the original PlayStation 2 ‘Greatest Hits’ title, Odin Sphere. Developed by the legendary Vanillaware (Dragons Crown) and published by ATLUS, the game is steeped in norse mythology with intricate plots that wouldn’t be out of place in a Wagner opera. Five character plots intertwine as the world of Erion hurtles towards the end of days as warring kingdoms clash for control.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir will be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. For a limited time and only at participating retailers, a 64-page softcover art book will come with standard purchases. There’s also the Odin Sphere Leifthrasir “Storybook Edition” premium version (limited to the PS4 version of the game) that includes a hardcover version of the art book, a special Potion Recipe t-shirt, a metal slipcase for the game, an art print, and premium outer packaging.