The Neptunia series continues to span genres as it parodies anime and game tropes at every turn. Neptunia Riders VS...
Dynasty Warriors Origins is the first entry in the series for this generation of consoles, making the graphics leaps and...
The Ys series has provided action RPG thrills since the late ‘80s as it chronicles the adventures of Adol Christin....
My Sherlock Holmes senses went off again after hearing about Master Detective Archives: RAIN CODE being released on Steam/PC, Xbox...
The Legend of Heroes: Trails series has been a wild ride, celebrating its 20-year anniversary! I also just wanted to...
A story that began in 2014 when Destiny first launched comes to its climax with the launch of the Final...
Let us bow our heads in silence for the World of Darkness 20th Anniversary… Thank you. It’s challenging to bring...
Kickstarter titles are always interesting when it comes to games. They can be fresh new talent looking to get their...
Last year, we got the modern port of Grim Grimoire, Vanillaware’s first attempt at a strategy RPG from the PS2....
We’re not talking about a new Starship Troopers game here. We’re talking about a sequel to one of the most...