A cute comedy filled with mystery and surprises, Witch Watch Vol. 1 is a fun and enticing way to start...
A cute and funny comedy series, My Senpai is Annoying is a must-read for anyone looking for a light-hearted and...
Being a fan of Spike Chunsosft since the original release of their hit Danganronpa series, Ai: The Somnium Files: nirvanA...
An overwhelmingly adorable read, Sakura’s Dedication Vol. 1 is a heartwarming start to the new series! Fans of romance will...
This series continues to pull at my heartstrings. The villains in My Hero Academia are some of the most well-written...
With his penchant for psychedelic action-packed games, Jeff Minter has become a renown game designer with a distinctive style. As...
Since 2018, Tetris Effect has delighted players with its seamless integration of transcendent visuals and audio with Tetris’ established block-dropping...
Being a huge fan of the series, I would review Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless. With every release of...
Intense action, extraordinary abilities, and heartwarming courage. We’ve all come to expect this from the My Hero Academia franchise, yet...
Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream commemorates twenty-five years of Gust’s Atelier roleplaying series. Much like its...