Get ready for one of the most dialogue-heavy and dramatic volumes you will ever read in One Piece. Much of One Piece Volume 95 story’s overarching world developments come to a head and leave us hanging to find out more. To those adventurers who have made it to Volume 95, these are certainly uncharted waters. If there was any volume the World Government didn’t want you to read, this would be it.
One Piece Volume 95 opens with some major character upgrades, important revelations, and some poetic writing to tie up the end of Act 2 of Wano. With this story arc starting somewhere in the early 900’s, it still feels like there’s a long way to go- but every panel from this point on feels that much more measured and carefully chosen. Let’s be honest- this series will end, and I think we are being prepared for that. However, I think knowing that, propels the story forward as this has always been what keeps it so fresh and interesting. I’m always frank with my One Piece reviews, and for the most part, I tend to be pretty positive about what I read; that is definitely true this time around. What seems different is during some of the “intermission” chapters, there are very small paneling and lots of dialogue. If anything, this reveals how much Oda wants to try and give us a seemingly smaller amount of time. It is HEAVY with info-albeit, important info, but perhaps grab a mug of coffee or a cup of tea while enjoying One Piece Volume 95. You’ll thank me and thank yourself for having patience.
The beginning of Act 3 in One Piece Volume 95 is beautifully drawn and brings us back to Wano country at the beginning of the long-awaited Fire Festival. This is the perfect chapter to be reading this time of year, in the fall as the region of Hakumai, where Act 3 opens, is in a constant state of Autumn weather. Oda really continues to outdo himself with imagery inspired by Japan. Put that together with bombastic scaling and imaginative landscapes, and you have a delicious pot of oden soup ready to be feasted on with your eyes. I particularly liked how he draws the various landscapes, especially when we are panned out from what is currently taking place.
Speaking of Oden, after hearing his name be mentioned for the first time over 200 chapters ago, we are finally introduced to the legend himself in what could be, so far, the longest flashback in this series. It’s a manly sized retrospect for a manly man like Kozuki Oden. The first part of these chapters gives us an excellent idea of the kind of person we are dealing with, from his birth to his young adulthood. Besides Kozuki Oden’s, we are reintroduced to his 9 Red Scabbards’ early exploits- his loyal vassals. We got to know most of them through the arcs in The New World saga, so being reintroduced to them was very rewarding.
It was straightforward for me to become absorbed in who this person was. His signature line, “It’s too cramped in here,” resonated with my passion for going and seeing new places. Life is too short to remain in the same place all your existence. I love traveling and experiencing new things, and getting to know new people. Oden’s desire to see what was beyond his isolationist home spoke to me on a personal level, and I hope it will for others who read through his life story thus far.
One Piece is known for exploring its own history. After going through heartbreak after heartbreak in each character’s stories, one can only fathom the depths to which our hearts will plunge when Oda finishes telling the life story of Kozuki Oden. If his writing style divulges anything, it’s that the good feelings peak at some point. At what point will it all go downhill? The suspense is exciting and terrifying from this height!
Volume 95 is an ode to its loyal readers who have kept up with the series for over 2 decades. Its lengthy dialogue is somewhat of a rite of passage at this point simply because of all the things intertwining with each other. Some of the biggest twists and shocking revelations await in turbulent waters. Steal your hearts and hang on tight, for there be monsters here.