I’ve always said that FanimeCon is my favorite convention to attend, and this year was no different. There’s always something special about the convention. It’s hard to put into words sometimes about how good the convention is, but it’s my job to put those thoughts into words, so off we go!
One of the best parts about Fanime is definitely the artist alley. The art is always outstanding because the amount of talent in that room is staggering. I lost count of how many times I saw Shiro from Voltron giving me or whomever he was paired with bedroom eyes…I was sure I was in heaven. Also, I was pleased about how much heart-wrenching fanart there was of Hunter X Hunter, since I’m currently watching it right now. I’m not sure if it was because the English dub voice of Gon was present at the con or because the manga is finally off hiatus again, but I was so happy. I’m also currently playing Persona 5 and Overwatch, so I was happy to see tons of stunning art for both series present. It was hard to limit myself, especially since our group went to the artist alley every day of the con. It’s just so hard to keep away!
Checkout the photos we took at Fanime 2017
CFG was also able to interview three guests this time around. Those will, of course, be in separate posts, but I was so thrilled to interview Vampy Bit Me, Erica Mendez and Hideo Ishikawa. Everyone gave such detailed answers and it made the interviews special and exciting!
A yearly tradition of ours is to attend the AMV contest since Fanime always puts on a great show. Splitting the AMV’s into five categories and having Judge’s Award and Best in Show gives a lot of AMV’s a fair chance to win an award. There were lots of great entries, and we were blessed to hear Dan Avidan not once, but twice! I’m a big music junkie, so to hear AMVs that used Bruno Mars, Fall Out Boy, The Struts, and Weird Al was a blast! Â
I was also blessed to be able to attend the Yaoi-con panel, which, for a fujioshi like myself, is like home. It’s really nice when conventions let other conventions do advertisement panels because it shows professionalism. The panel itself was a wild ride, but very informative; I do wish to attend the convention one day. I even scored a free yaoi manga for…collection purposes….yeah. All the preview bishies they brought from the con were full of genuine personality. I can see why women fight tooth and nail during the live auction.
The atmosphere for this con is undeniable. I love Fanime and I do hope to attend next year!