Story & Letters: Pierrick Colinet
Art by: Elsa Charretier
Published by: IDW Publishing
There comes a time when you flip open a comic and from the very first panel to the very last you are mesmerized; the art, the story, the essence of the book itself, they all draw you in so completely that when you reach the final image you are rudely shaken back into the real world. Without a shadow of doubt, the Infinite Loop, by Pierrick Colinet and featuring luxurious art by Elsa Charretier, is one such book.
The Infinite Loop is a love story set against a backdrop of a future civilization where time cops traverse history to correct anomalies. Even if the book was merely about that subject, it would be worth a read. However, the combination of Colinet and Charretier is irresistible. Following on from a blistering opening issue, our prime character Terry is faced with a dilemma – a unique anomaly in the form of a beautiful female, one who turns Terry’s head despite her duty to police (destroy) any anomaly. This twist provides the starting point for #2 and it will define the following issues in the story.
In this second issue, Colinet builds on the future world as witnessed in #1. As Terry battles with her inner turmoil, both relating to her duty but also mixed with emotion, we see the workings of her mind in graphic form. We are also introduced to Unit 70 – these will provide the necessary opposition to Terry and the human anomaly ‘Ano’ that she is harboring.
The art for the book, by Elsa Charretier, is perfect. Not only is the style luscious but the feel is expertly married up to the story and characters. Having read the first two issues in the series it is impossible to see any other artist or style for the Infinite Loop – anything else would be a travesty.
With the first two issues closed out in such a majestic manner the anticipation is suitably high for the remaining books. This is a work of the highest quality, the writing is flawless, story, plot, pace, characterisation – everything is expertly done. Allied to the story is sumptuous art, a dazzling display to lure in the reader.