During Street Fighter 4 Finals at Evo 2015 in Las Vegas, Capcom confirmed the first brand new fighter to join the Street Fighter V roster – the mysterious Necalli! You can check out his fighting style in the latest gameplay trailer!
Possessing a wide variety of savage and close range attacks, all of Necalli’s moves have been forged through the heat of battle to ensure he’s inflicting maximum pain upon his opponents. Making full use of the Battle System mechanics, Necalli’s V-Skill allows him to pound the ground with both fists, creating an explosion that damages the enemy whereas the powerful V-Trigger allows him to channel a mysterious energy that changes his hair color and alters his personality for a short period of time. Capcom will be revealing more information on Necalli’s origin and storyline in the coming months so stay tuned for more details.
I would have to say, his look as a character is pretty unique. Especially when he gets into V trigger and looks like a Super Saiyan!