Prison School is about a group of five make students who are the first one ever to enroll in an all girls school after it recently became co-ed. After the events in the first episode, the five of them are sent to in-school suspension for one month as punishment for peeping into the girl’s bathroom rather than being expelled for inappropriate conduct.
The in-school suspension is built to resemble a prison, separated from the rest of the girls in the school and is ran by the Underground Student Counsel. They outfit the boys in stripped prison jumpsuits, forced them to sleep in holding cells and make them attend class through a computer screen via a teacher streaming the lecture. When they’re not in class, they do menial labor around the school and even are only allowed one hour of exercise a day.
The main character and focus for a good portion of the story, Kyoshi, who actually seems to be the least perverted of the five boys, although not by much. The majority of the first arc is him figuring out a way to break out of the literal prison school just to go out on a date with a girl that he likes. The anime does go a lot farther than that one story arc however, going into detail of the personalities of each of the boys in the prison school. Â Each of the characters all have different quirks and kinks that, when put altogether, makes for an incredibly interesting cast.
The antagonists, the Underground Student Counsel, all just want to see the “heroes” suffer as much as possible or seems, each for different reason. Mari, the student disciplinary counsel president has a distaste in men in general. Meiko the Vice-President, does it all for the approval of the student disciplinary counsel president and Hana is more or less a sadist, letting her looks belie her true, violent nature as she pulverized the boys with her karate training.
The music in the show is all great. The opening, Ai no Prison as well as the ending Tsumibukaki Oretachi no Sanka was done by Kangoku Danshi, which turns out to be all five of the protagonists in the show. Through getting Funimation’s All access pass you can view most of the episodes dubbed right now through any streaming device. Overall, the dub is really great. Â The voices really feel like they match up incredibly well with the characters and the jokes are hilarious. At some places it felt like the dub was funnier than just reading the subtitles. Granted there’s a sizable percentage of the dialogue that are literally butt jokes, but even so a lot of the lines in the show made me chuckle enough to. So if you happen to have the Funimation All-Access, it’s definitely worth a listen, otherwise I’d highly recommend hearing it once it’s made more widely available to non-subscribers.
There wasn’t really a lot wrong per say about the anime itself. The show was intended for a mature audience but it’s initial broadcast was on air on regular TV stations in Japan, so watching it now it’s heavily edited with constant dark areas and flashing beams of lights to cover areas not suitable for younger audiences. Even streaming the Funimation dub on their website censored the offensive language constantly and once you hear it, you can’t help but get annoyed. So if that type of thing does annoy you then you’d probably want to wait until the uncensored Blu-Ray/DVD gets released later this year.
The ending is hopeful for a season 2, however if you do manage to watch the whole show and still want more right away, the manga goes on even further than what takes place in the anime. After covering what happened in the anime, there are still at least literally 100 chapters worth of source material to go through.