Developed by: SideQuest Studios
Published by: eastasiasoftÂ
Reviewed on: PlayStation 4 (also available on PlayStation 3 and Vita)
If you’re an RPG fan then there’s a good chance that you’ve heard of or played Rainbow Moon. Nearly after four years after its release on the PlayStation 3 and three years on the Vita, Rainbow Moon has been reborn again on the PlayStation 4. If you’re no stranger to Rainbow Moon you’ll appreciate the updated beautiful, isometric, open world with high definition graphics on the PlayStation 4 . If you’ve never played Rainbow Moon, here’s your opportunity hop in; you won’t be disappointed.
Rainbow Moon start off with our hero Baldren cursed by his arch rival and then warped to the world of Rainbow Moon.  To make things worse, Baldren isn’t only stranded in an unknown place; he has also opened a dimensional gate out of which troops of monsters are emerging from, turning this once peaceful planet into a real hell. There’s only one thing for Baldren to do: seal the gate and warp himself back to his home planet. While playing Rainbow Moon one of the first thing you’ll notice is the stunning art style for the characters, enemies, items, and weapons.
Rainbow Moon also has a strong emphasis on exploration and character development. As I played the game I found myself wandering all over the maps exploring and finding loot to sell or food to eat or health potions to consume. While on journeys you have a keep an eye on your character’s hunger meter. You must keep your character from starving . If the meter runs out, then that character will start taking damage, similar to being poisoned.  As you’re exploring the maps in the world, throughout the world you will find enemies in the stages on the map.  Then often walk back and forth, guarding an area with valuable loot or block a way to advance to the next area. If you’re like me and love to  occasionally grind, while roaming around there are random battle encounters that pop up to help with level progression. I often found myself going against enemies that were higher levels than me and enjoyed the challenging battles. However, in the end felt like I was gaining little experience point. I’ve played a few RPG in my day but Rainbow Moon’s leveling progression feels little too slow at times. It doesn’t feel that rewarding considering the difficulty of the battles and the levels of the enemies you face.
Rainbow Moon is an SRPG (Strategy role playing game) meaning that you need to have a battle plan before heading in head first against enemies. It makes you think before acting and the game will punish you for making not the smartest moves and that’s what makes Rainbow Moon so great, fun, and challenging. One thing a good RPG needs is a good main character. Baldren looks awesome in his armor but is just an ok character. I find that other characters are fun and interesting.  Along the way you will be able to play as six characters, each unique with their own fighting styles and with a great looking art styles as well. Each character play a certain role such as Trisha, an archer type with long distance shots, or Serena, a mage type with magic elements. With most good RPG comes a great soundtrack.  I really enjoyed roaming around the world or being in battles because the game’s melodies are pretty good. I would often go into item menu to sit and listen to the melodies because they were that good.
If you’ve had your eye on Rainbow Moon for some time now, there no better time to download it from the PSN to give it a shot. It’s a great package that lasts over 40 hours in the story mode, boasts a compelling storyline, has solid exploration, features engaging battles, and has over 20 challenging dungeons with 50 side quests. This game has everything RPG fans love plus more. If you have a Vita and somehow manage to miss this one, Rainbow Moon has a Cross-Save feature so you can go back between a PS4/PS3 and a Vita.  Rainbow Moon is a game by gamers, dedicated to gamers. Don’t miss out on this solid RPG.Â