DC Comics confirmed today what many fans had heard for months: John Romita Jr., after years of exclusive work at Marvel, will begin work with the Distinguished Competition, starting with Superman over the summer. Geoff Johns will provide the script.
The news was announced in DC’s regular video feature, DC All Access, by DC Co-publisher Dan Didio and Johns, DC’s Chief Creative Officer
“We’ll be taking over the monthly Superman comic book for the summer,” said Johns. “It’s going to be a blast.”
Later, in an interview with IGN, Johns expanded on the story plans for his run. In the summertime storyline, Johns promises that with Romita Jr., he will be “getting back to the core values and attributes and strengths of Superman.” He adds: “We’ll learn some things about Superman that you’ve never known before, one in particular that is going to be redefining him in a way that we’ve never seen.”
Most recently, John Romita Jr. penciled the first twelve issues of Rick Remender’s Captain America. Although he has drawn many of Marvel’s biggest heroes, he is perhaps best known these days for co-creating Kick-Ass with Mark Millar.
Details about when exactly and for how long Johns and Romita Jr. will run on the title are scarce. But after the relative disaster the Superman line has been over the last three years, it’ll be interesting to see what this does for our Man of Tomorrow, particularly in the way Johns promises to “reset” Superman.