Art by: Dylan Burnett
Coloured by: Triona Farrell
Lettered by: Jim Campbell
Published by: Boom! Studios
One of the things about lettering a comic book is that its an art form not to be underestimated. Done well, the reader will gaze over the letters in a book in a seamless experience, one that compliments the story. However, when there are issues with the lettering it creates somewhat of a jarring effect, which distracts you from the story – and present within issue 2 of Weavers we find some elements of jarring lettering work, which is unfortunate. On with the story of Weavers #2!
We pick up the story in a tense gangster type situation, with some suited heavies putting the squeeze on an old man. The interplay between the characters feels authentic enough; the inner conflict of Sid (new recruit into the organization) plays out well with the more senior members of the crew.
This early action is the catalyst for the remainder of the issue, as the young protagonist faces various situations that test his mettle and his loyalty. The characterization is worked well and the plot moves along ok.
The art on the book, by Dylan Burnett, is quite effective at forging its own identity among the plethora of comic books. The enhanced gangsters have a distinct look, and as they use their enhancements, there is even more uniqueness to their appearance. Given the nature of the book, there is some nice gruesome action it livens up the pages nicely. The script by Simon Spurrier has some good moments, though interspersing the high points of the story, we have some more downbeat sections. Overall, the story works, largely thanks to the gory elements – but with a tighter story giving it a more cohesive aspect, things would have been better. Weavers #2 got off to a misstep of a start due to issues with the lettering; while some parts of the book flowed nicely they were interrupted and lost vital energy. As it is this is an okay story, the art isn’t bad, and if you like this kind of story is your thing it will be appealing.