Anime Expo is a 4 day convention held in the summer located in downtown Los Angeles. This year, it was one...
Toshihiro Kawamoto is an anime industry veteran that’s best known for being the co-founder of Studio Bones and as the...
Star Wars Celebration comes to the states once every 2 to 3 years. When it does arrive, cosplayers from around...
Long Beach Comic Expo is a great experience to take not only your kids, but the whole family. Smaller shows...
Powerpuff Girls Take Flight In A New Series From IDW Following the launch of a newly re-imagined animated series...
X.D. Network is a video game publisher based in China that made a dynamic splash at the Game Developers Conference...
Comicfreaks & Geeks proudly bring to you podcast #12, Stars and Stripes! Davies and T-Dot talk about comics as usual...
Untold Tales of Battleworld – Your New Look at SECRET WARS: JOURNAL #1! This May, witness the strangest Battleworld...
Chikashi Kubota (久保田 誓) is a prolific animation director who has worked on a variety of popular anime series and...
Now that the San Jose Convention Center’s construction is nothing but a distant and inconvenient blip in FanimeCon’s history, con...