GI Joe #1
Published: IDW Publishing Art by Steve Kurth Writer by Karen Traviss Colors by Kito Young  I have been a moderate fan of GI Joe throughout the years. I remember waking up early Saturday morning to watch my favorite Joe Snake Eyes destroy Cobra. Surprisingly though, I have never read a GI Joe comic until now and now that I have, I would have to say that I am a fan on the direction that this new series is going.
The Issue has several different stories going at the same time that all connects to a bigger picture. Cobra has won the battle and the Joes are now a shadow of what it was in the past. Scarlett is now the team leader and is fighting to defend the group from extinction from the government which is threatening to pull away their funding. While that is happening, the story goes on the opposite faction where Cobra rules and is plotting to twist the knife and take out the Joes permanently. I have to say, this version of GI Joe is not the old fashion global laser tag fight against good and evil! The story is more complexed and feels like this war is really happening in the present day. Karen Traviss does a great job of incorporating this fight between good and evil without shooting one bullet. She even added outside aspects from the story that gave the characters a natural feel. There was one part of the book which I liked which was when Tomax Paoli (Cobra Spokesman) is trying to convince Baroness that going in on a full assault is meaningless and by finding a political way in destroying them permanently would be better. The only downside I had was that there were parts in the story that seemed too realistic. It caused some of the reading to drag on and lose a little interest. Specifically, the court scene with Scarlett pleading her case to the higher ups.Â
Steve Kurth’s art mixed with Kito Young’s coloring makes this book very nice to look at. Kurth’s style in drawing Joes has always been very consistent and the landscape, panel placements, and vehicles are just as wonderful.Â
I feel that this story will just get better when the plot unravels. GI Joe #1 was a good read and would recommend it to the comic freaks who interested in the GI Joe universe or even a military history nut. You will not be disappointed.