Art by: Brian Churilla
Colors by: Jay Fotos
Letters by: Chris Mowry
Published by: IDW Publishing
In this installment of Godzilla: Oblivion, we take up the story in the aftermath of the catastrophic events in issue 1, where our intrepid scientists managed to bring a three headed monstrosity called Ghihorah to Massachusetts – from where it wrought utter destruction upon the land.
The comic comes across as a delicious mash up of hokey science and giant monsters – considering the source material (Godzilla), this works beautifully. Joshua Fialkov really captures the essence of Godzilla here, we’re not in a sleek (soulless) big budget affair here – we’re slap bang in rubber suited nostalgia. It works. The script itself doesn’t dawdle, the horror of their situation is laid out quickly and that drives the plot for the rest of the issue. The snarky interplay between two of the central characters continues on from the first issue. In terms of coming to a resolution for their dire predicament, which is necessarily predictable, it is satisfying seeing it play out.
On art we have Brian Churilla. Brian’s style for this book has a kind of cartoon type feel. Saying that the style does sit well with the feel of the book. The monsters on display are suitably impressive – from Ghidorah’s multiple heads to the always inspiring Godzilla – and are all effectively rendered. The ruination of the cityscape is enjoyable as a apocalyptic nightmare. Nothing particularly jumps out as being below par, or detracting from the narrative – and that’s a boon to any book.
IDW seem to have done a good job on Godzilla: Oblivion (thus far) – the creative team certainly seem to have a good understanding of the legendary Godzilla, and they have crafted a story that suitably embraces that. In terms of the writing and art, both aspects are effective. The plot, pace, and dialogue all work well and Brian’s art gives the story suitable life. Most importantly, this is a fun book: it doesn’t take itself too seriously, nor does it aim for high brow when that would have been folly.