Written by: Ulises Farinas & Erick Freitas
Art by: Dan McDaid
Colours by: Ryan Hill
Letters by: Shawn Lee
Published by: IDW Publishing
Judge Dredd #5 is a different kind of Dredd story, not least due to the remnants of Mega City One, nor the seemingly absent citizens, but the toughest Judge to uphold the law is without said ‘LAW’. We pick up this issue with Dredd, and his unlikely cohorts Lolo and Pug Dredd (of the latter, do not ask!) – in pursuit of Quill and Iggy who had been captured by the Yes-men.
On scripting duty, we have Ulises Farinas and Erick Freitas. The teamup on this book does seem to work while the feel on the other hand isn’t typical of the titular character. It doesn’t detract from what is quite an engrossing narrative. Some parts of the story employ flashbacks via dreams to expand the story, and while this is  somewhat trite, it doesn’t interrupt the flow of the story. When the moments of conflict arise, we do see our Judge step up and it’s like we’re in a standard Dredd adventure. Yet again and again, even that aspect has a slice of something different.
On art, we have Dan McDaid. With the alternate look at the world of Dredd, of a world overgrown, McDaid manages to render a believable backdrop for the story. Where the narrative switches to the old Meg, the standard sprawl and dystopia, Dan sufficiently covers the bases. The scene setting is effective and blends easily with the characters.
As the issue comes to a close the narrative has progressed along with Dredd’s investigation. Through growing realization due to the previously mentioned flashbacks, we have Dredd back on the mission. Thankfully, this story while not being a typical Dredd outing, is of sufficient interest – thanks to the efforts of Ulises and Erick – and the reader is engaged enough to take us to the following issue.
With the fate of Iggy, Quill, and now Lolo too (unknown), Dredd not only had the fate of Mega City One to contend with, along with the Yes-men, but he has the trio of feral youngsters to track down.