It’s always incredibly sad when some one with a passion and talent moves on from this world. Especially when that person was a torch for creativity. Rooster Teeth confirmed the passing of Monty Oum, the creative mind behind the popular series RWBY and a Technical Director behind the legendary Red vs Blue Series on Monday February 1st.
Monty was well known in con scenes, gaming circles and vastly popular on Youtube. I have never personally met him, but from what I have seen during his interviews, fan interactions and podcasts I’m sure I would have enjoyed his company. Monty was a fountain of creativity. He started with finding models and other components of Halo 2 and creating content with them. This led to a small masterpiece known as Haloid. Haloid was a great simulation of what would happen if you pit Metroid’s Samus Aran against Halo’s Master Chief. The result was a frantic battle that was very satisfying to watch.
In 2007, Monty Oum’s creativity and talent struck again. He released Dead Fantasy. A series of short movies that blends characters from Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy And Dead or Alive franchises. “I remember when I first watched the Dead Fantasy videos for the first time.” Said our very own Con Freak and Geek Chiba. “They were so exciting to watch!” I myself recently went back and watched them for the first time myself…I admit I was enticed with how well done it was. Monty was clearly a man who had an almost obsessive eye for detail and choreography. It was this ability that led him to Rooster Teeth.
Rooster Teeth had gained a great amount of popularity. Monty had worked for a while now has the Technical Director for Red vs Blue for a couple of seasons and was ready to work on something fresh. Cue RWBY,  an action packed fantasy show with crazy fight scenes, unique weapons and well thought out characters. RWBY gained an almost cult following as soon as it was revealed. With the help of a talented crew he crafted a new world with elements that were both familiar and totally new. Sure, the action sequences are sweet and definitely get things moving, but to me the characters were always the star attraction. A bit archetypal perhaps, but they were still interesting for reasons all their own. I like how no two characters were identical in terms of their fighting style as well. It’s a great show and I’m sad to hear it’s creator has gone.
“I am amazed how easily we are touched by his work!” Chiba told me as well. I totally agree. I also want to say from everyone here at Con Freaks and Geeks, to Monty’s family and friends, we give you our deepest condolences.
You will be missed Monty.
R.I.P Monty Oum 06/22/1981 – 02/01/2015
Image from Monty’s facebook page by Baragoku, viewable here.