Having recently stumbled across an intriguing anthology, an experimental anthology, going by the name of Sliced Quarterly, it was with...
Ness, A Comic with Monsters NESS is a four-part, full color comic miniseries set in Scotland, on the world-famous...
“Dr Tyrannosaurus Rexley is the world’s greatest surgeon, on paper. An epic tale of emotions, friendship, betrayal,...
“Dr Tyrannosaurus Rexley is the world’s greatest surgeon, on paper. An epic tale of emotions, friendship, betrayal,...
Those delightful chaps from Wart Comics, writer Chris Welsh and artist Ammar Al-Chalabi are returning to the Kickstarter trail...
In the latest in our series of CFG Creator Spotlight interviews we are fortunate enough to welcome Tom Ward...
Written by: Chris Welsh Art by: Ammar Al-Chalabi Site address: www.wartcomic.com/ Welcome to the wonderful world of Wart –...
Hold on to your hats, writer Chris Welsh and his artist collaborator Ammar Al-Chalabi are unleashing their cosmic horror webcomic...
Wart Issue #1 Writer: Chris Welsh Art: Ammar Al-Chalabi Welcome to the varied worlds of Wart Bellamy, a wonderfully...