Art by: Pablo
Letters: Rob Jones
ALV #1 is an indie book by the UK writer Jason (Jay) Martin, and it stands as an introductory issue in the story of Adele Leigh Voss – the worlds only super powered human. Given the introductory requirements for a new story/character Jay quickly sets the scene with a foiled robbery – thanks to the violent intervention by ALV. Considering that Adele is attempting to live incognito a case of altruistic heroics is always a risky affair – which proves to be the case for ALV who encounters a rapid escalation in the situation going from facing off against the local police to being attacked by fighter jets.
Introductions out of the way the author moves quickly on with the narrative. We learn more about the background of Adele and those who helped shaped who she has become, a ‘from the cradle’ to now scenario. However, in terms of Adele’s development, Jay holds back come key aspects (which will undoubtedly form part of the continuing tale of ALV)
The art for ALV comes from Pablo – one thing to note early on in the art is a certain likeness that Adele shares with Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman – this is a transitory likeness as the revisits to Adele’s past show the reader the true redhead that resides beneath the raven hair of the latter day ALV. Pablo throws in a few images that are reminiscent of Sam Keith’s style; some of the early action and a few facial expressions in particular. The art is generally quite effective, with bright and breezy action livening up proceedings.
It will be nice to see where ALV goes after this introductory issue – how her story will evolve. From the first issue we know certain aspects, we know of her abilities and her strength. Jay Martin has done a solid job of orchestrating the story of ALV, and has taken time to establish his character and her worldview. From this point on it will be interesting to see how this develops from this point onwards.