Puzzle Box Maker Review

Developed by Bplus
Published by Bplus
Reviewed on Nintendo Switch


Pixel art is a fun and creative medium for artists to use in expressive ways. Whether it’s to remake your favorite video game characters as you remember them from old consoles like the original Nintendo Entertainment System, or making much more complicated images to post online or sell in stores, pixel art is a unique way to make fun and creative art. So with a game like Puzzle Box Maker now available for the Nintendo Switch, pixel artists new and old may want to look into this game.

The game has many mini games that you can play through that are split into Paint and Action categories. In these you run to collect coins and collectibles while traveling across either the pre-created stages or one that you make. There’s also the Bomb mode where you have ten bombs to destroy created or pre-created stages. In Kubi mode you play as a little block named Kubi who has to escort a little dog to the exit while collecting little bugs and avoiding enemies along the way. There are plenty other types of games to play as well.

The main idea of this game, however, is a little less focused on game play and more on the creation aspect. Creation mode is simplistic and easy to use with its grid layout. You choose from a variety of colors to make your levels are as pretty or detailed as you can. Then you can play them in one of the many different types of game modes available.

That being said, once you finish creating the pictures/levels for the game, your options are reduced to either playing the games like controlling Kubi to get the dog to the finish line or re-painting the levels in the Paint mini-games again. While the mini-games are fun the first couple of times, they do wear down and feel repetitive unless you either design a new stage, attempt to aim for every single collectible in each stage, or try your hand at the downloadable community creations available in the online section of the game. Even though you still play the same games you would with the offline modes, trying out some of the stages that other people in the community have created keeps the game fresh to play.

This game is absolutely perfect for younger children who have access to a Nintendo Switch and want to see their creations turned into levels or to get used to playing in a video game.  However, older and players may find Puzzle Box Maker a little repetitive and boring if they play for more than an hour or so. If you have any young children who would like to try making pixel art and then playing it on a TV screen as various levels in a game, then Puzzle Box Maker is a good place to look.