A brand new spin-off of the popular Cells at Work! series, Cells at Work! Neo Bacteria! Vol. 1 is an interesting and relaxing...
Artist and author Ayuko Hatta has many shojo manga successes under her belt, including the popular Wolf Girl and Black...
One of Shōnen Jump’s newest additions gets its first volume! Being a weekly reader, this one series sort of just...
I love Sherlock Holmes. From the books to the TV shows and the movies- Seeing riddles and clues unfold and...
Sometimes I enjoy simple goals; learning a new song, finishing a book, making a new recipe… you know- simple,...
As a fan of Volume 1 of Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love, I was eager but nervous for the...
The market is oversaturated with tales of superheroes. However, there is one manga that puts a new spin on the...
Paru Itagaki wrote the award-winning series, Beastars. However, did you know that the story of Legoshi and Haru had a...
I have a scenario for you. Let’s say you’re at home, it’s early in the morning, and you decide to...
We see Yousuke sitting at the familiar table where his nephew, Takafumi Takaoka, and his childhood friend, Sumika Fujimiya at...