Drones #1 Review

Story by: Chris Lewis
Art by: Bruno Olivera
Colours by: Anderson Cabral
Lettered by: E.T. Dollman
Published by: IDW Publishing

Hot off the press from IDW is Chris Lewis’s Drones #1 – a surreal twist on the War on TERROR. That’s right, IED’s, goats, big knives, etc – and into this mix of jihadist terror we throw in some laser guided missiles and a pair of comedic leads in this different kind of book.
From the start we have a well planned first issue – Chris Lewis starts off strongly, laying out his characters foundations so that they can be developed as the pages flip by. The pace is busy, the humour is quietly effective and an integral part of the book.Like many good stories that feature the concept of war, the irreverent feel is both intended and worthwhile. The dreamy opening section is visually appealing, and draws the readers attention easily. The art is a little different, facially and some anatomy there are some oddities in effect but these feel intended, part of Bruno Olivera’s style. Overall the art is of a good standard, the layout of the panels, the composition of scenes and the interactions are all dealt with effectively.


As far as first issues go, Drones realty lives (in counterpoint) to its’ title. The story has a beguiling aspect to it, one where you feel you have a sure footing only to be thrown a curveball. This is intended and well written. The pace for the first issue faultless, you are dragged through the various scenes, only to land in an unceremonious heap at the end point of the issue. This book has a little of everything, so if you like war, guns, fighter jets, drone bombs, goats… yes, goats… and irreverent and somewhat juvenile heroes, then you have come to the right place.
While this book does a lot right, it will possibly miss with some readers. The way the plot shifts, of not being a straight A, B, C kind of book, will cost it. That’s unfortunate. It is all too rare to see an interesting story amid the safe harbour of so many writers who like to follow the generic ‘comics by numbers’ along with a thousand other stories.