Koji Igarashi, best known for his work on iconic games like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, has kicked off his...
In this week’s episode, Davies, Joe, and Tdot talks about if publishers should use kickstarter as a way to get...
A dark and twisted survival comic illustrated in all its gory detail. Post Mortem the comic book series is...
Hold on to your hats, writer Chris Welsh and his artist collaborator Ammar Al-Chalabi are unleashing their cosmic horror webcomic...
Those delightful chaps from Wart Comics, writer Chris Welsh and artist Ammar Al-Chalabi are returning to the Kickstarter trail...
Curse of the Vessel #1 Written by Michael Leal Art by Mike Wilson Curse of the Vessel #1 is a...
Here at the CFG we tend like to keep tabs on what’s happening over at Kickstarter, there’s always some jem...
Ness, A Comic with Monsters NESS is a four-part, full color comic miniseries set in Scotland, on the world-famous...
Dammaged Comics presents: The Few via The Few is a Zombie tale from writer/producer Dave McCluskey and we’ve been...
Diego Comics, a family run, London based publishing house that has been operating since 2012, and they have a new...