Gwenpool Attacks in Pink & White
Marvel has a big hurdle to avoid making Gwenpool a carbon copy of their flagship merc with the mouth, Deadpool. Since her appearances in Deadpool Secret Secret Wars and Howard the Duck, Gwenpool has been, to no surprise to anyone, widely accepted due to her 4th wall antics and crazy quips. She is now in her very own comic called Unbelievable Gwenpool #1! This book is the start of her character to receive a balanced platform to build on in the future. The issue gives the reader a prologue and a jam packed story (causing it to be $5 price tag). Even though Gwenpool’s origin is that she is a Gwen Stacy from a different universe in which no one has special powers and was moved to the Earth-616 where powers is as common as drinking water, this book does a terrific job setting her up in her new world.
Christopher Hastings created two great stories in which describes the character nicely. Gwenpool is just as random as her male predecessor. What makes her very different would be that she has a true origin story. Even the reason why she thinks she is in the comic book world actually makes a lot of sense. Being from a world with no powers to one with powers, one would also think they must be dreaming right? In the prologue, Hastings wrote about Gwenpool trying to open a bank account. With only a duffle bag with cash and another with guns, she is having hard time opening an account without ID (must have left it in her other Universe). When shockingly, a band of robbers hits that bank. Gwenpool does what she does best and attacks. The story is predictable and safe to tell but, Hastings did an excellent job describing how Gwenpool attacks a situation (Complete randomness an utter disregard of any damage…). The 2nd story on the other hand  was great in which this time, Gwenpool takes a job infiltrating an enemy submarine. To her surprise, someone else has possibly beaten her to the punch but who? Anyone who reads this story would agree that this not only sets her up with a nemesis, but also shows her decision making on jobs. I cannot wait to see issue number 2.
Danilo Beyruth did the art in the first story and it very good in detail. Some of the best parts of this book are the character closeups that he provided. The team of Gurihiru (Avatar: the last airbender) however does the art in the second story and this is what completely sold me. The way the colors pop at you in the book as well as the cartoony like pencils is perfect for this book’s style. If the next issue of Gwenpool is Gurihiru, I will be a big fan.Â
Overall, this is a great entry book for a person to read. Since this is the beginning of a new character in the new Universe, this book is a perfect entry point for anyone to get into.Â