Earlier today, Sword Art Online: Extra Edition Episode 1 was released. During the episode, the show released a teaser trailer announcing...
Sword Art Online: Extra Edition Aired: December 31st 2013 Sword Art Online is one of my favorite anime as...
Witch Craft Works Episode #1 Impression Aired: January 5, 2014 Hello fellow Anime freaks and geeks! Today we are reviewing...
Hello everyone out there! Its Dojima and man do I have an anime for you that I am really excited...
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions! REN Aired: January 8, 2014 and ongoing This series, also known as Chunibyo Demo...
This new arc in Fairy Tail has gotten rather exciting and is moving along rather quickly. The Demons of Tartaros, released from...
Hey everyone its Dojima again! Can you guys believe that its already halfway through the winter season, I know I...
This series is beginning to be one of my favorites! From episode one I was hooked. The plot starts to...
The world shakes in despair from the seal on Face being lifted! Even the flying fortress is effected by the...
The countdown to stop the activation of Face continues. Lucy and Wendy are faced off against yet another Tartaros demon,...